Photo competition at VELOSIPED.BG

Photo contest at VELOSIPED.BG. Conditions and prizes!
"Velosiped" Ltd. through the fan page of at FACEBOOK.COM/VELOSIPED.BG organizes a competition for the best photo on the topic "Photo with a bicycle CROSS”. The condition for participation is to take or find in your albums an attractive photo with a bike from the "Cross" model range and upload it to the fan page at as a comment below this post.
The prizes are:
1st place
Shimano parts voucher worth BGN 200
2nd place:
Voucher Crosser parts worth BGN 100
The photo with the most "Likes" wins:
Voucher for Vee Rubber tires worth BGN 50
Photos can be uploaded from November 20 to December 20, 2018. The winners will be announced by December 23, 2018.
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Running a competition for the best photo with a CROSS bike on the Fan page of on Facebook
1. The organizer of the competition is "VELOSIPED" OOD, hereinafter referred to as the ORGANIZER, through a fan the page on, hereinafter referred to as the FACEBOOK PAGE. To contact the ORGANIZER on the occasion of the contest, e-mail is used: [email protected]
2. Conditions for participation in the contest:
- The condition for participation is to take or find an attractive photo in your albums with a bike from the "Cross" model range and upload it to the fan page at .
3. Deadlines for participation:
- Photos will can be published within 30 days. From November 20th to December 20th, 2018
- Last year's winner cannot win 1st place during the current edition of the competition. In this way, we aim to give new participants a chance for success.
- Each participant can upload only one photo within the month of October.
- Attracting more and better quality photos to the gallery
- Increasing the audience's interest and activity on the Facebook fan page
- Encouraging contest participants and photo authors
5. Anyone whose photo is published on the FACEBOOK PAGE during the nomination period has the right to participate in the contest. Photos must comply with the Terms of Use of If someone does NOT wish to participate in the contest, they must state this when posting the photo on the SITE or at any other time thereafter, including after the nominations are announced, but before the winner is announced.
6. ORGANIZER'S OFFICERS or of co-organizers and sponsors of the competition cannot participate in it as authors.
7. The winner is determined by the ORGANIZER who, with the help of a jury and through the Facebook page, choose the two best photos published on the FACEBOOK PAGE during the period to determine the winner.
8. Winners are determined by a jury and there is a separate audience award by gathering audience likes.
The jury votes for each photo on a six-point system.
For each photo, the total from the evaluations of the jury gives the final evaluation
If two photos have the same sum of points, then the photo with the most "Likes" on the fan page is chosen as the winner.
The photo with the most likes is chosen as a prize from the audience "Like" on the FACEBOOK PAGE
9. The jury has a permanent composition and is chosen by the ORGANIZER.
10. The members of the permanent jury are not allowed to participate in the competition
11. The evaluation of the nominated photos by the jury is for 3 days - from December 20 to December 23, 2018. The winners of the jury are announced on December 23. (DEADLINE FOR SELECTING A WINNER AND DATE FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WINNER).
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12. The winners in contest receive special prizes sponsored by the organizer
There are 3 prizes in total:
1st place
Shimano parts voucher worth BGN 200
2nd place:
Voucher Crosser parts worth BGN 100
The photo with the most "Likes" wins:
Voucher for Vee Rubber tires worth BGN 50
. The organizer is not responsible if this deadline is not met due to a lack of cooperation on the part of the winner. A note is also issued for sending the prize, which the recipient must sign.
The organizer reserves the right to use the uploaded photos for marketing purposes, unless we have an express written prohibition from the owner and.